torsdag den 17. september 2009


The very cute granddaughter of a good friend


Yesterday Politiken, a danish newspaper, published a long discussed book written by a former soldier in the special forces.
The discussion had centered around how the Danish Defence tried to stop the publishing of the book claiming it's content could endanger danish soldiers stationed around the world. Whether that's true or not I can't say, I haven't read the book, neither am I an expert on military secrets.
What I do know is that Politiken violated the copyrights of the writer to get publicity and come off as the defender of the freedom of speach against the oppressive state.
Not a behavior I agree with, but at least it was impossible to get a cope of Politiken yesterday. And that's a first!

tirsdag den 15. september 2009

Dreams (the second)

Now who wouldn't want that baby??


I finally decided to get a new cellphone choosing the new Nokia 6700 classic. I had it recommended by friends and newspapers. ;-) Unfortunately the standard memorycard is only 1 GB large so I ended up bying an additional memorycard of 4 GB.

I chose this phone because it has the most important functions such as decent camera (not amazing), mp3-player and good batterycapacity. And of course because I think it looks absolutely beautifull!! :-)
Looking forward to getting it!

tirsdag den 1. september 2009


I'm currently sitting in my room blogging while my new roommate is washing the kitchen floor. Does that sound surreal? Not until you hear that she basically has done the dishes for a week, has cookes for me and insists on that SHE is the lucky one.....

The story began when my mother called and told me that she had a very nice italian exchange student in her shop who was looking for a room the next five months and since I have a room the case was set.

So after trawling the city for bed, table and clothing rack Greta settled in. And so far I'm not complaining! :-)