mandag den 30. marts 2009


Weekends in general are a beautifull thing, especially if you can end the working week with success. I actually managed to synthesize my beloved compound (3'5'-(1,1,3,3-TIPDS-1,3-diyl)-2'-O-propargyluridine) and now I can continue with my other syntheses. That is if I didn't feel that horrible!
This weekend I spent in Roskilde visiting my cousin and a friend of mine learning that alcohol is NOT healthy and that I can NOT drink the same amount of it as a regular sized male. Unfortunately this lesson is still being tought to me and therefore I have planned a healthy nap into my day. :-)

torsdag den 26. marts 2009


I hate when I open facebook I'm directly asked what's on my mind. First of all it's very invasive, secondly I have only one thing on my mind; my master thesis and the lack of progress concerning it.
Being a chemist I should have forseen this, it should not have suprised me, that my second synthesis poses seemingly insuperable problems. Yet, I am suprised, annoyed and of course tired. Also it is not helping that the synthesis was performed without greater diffulties by a bachelor student.
While I am waiting for the results from my latest attempt I try to convince myself that this has nothing to do with me or my talent as a chemist. Rather the reagents must be too old or contaminated. So far no luck!