lørdag den 2. maj 2009


Saying one's opinion is not always without cost, most people experienced that at some point in their life. Since I love to express my opinions in the form of contributions in the new papers, I often get critique, positive and negative.
My last contribution, which I also posted on this blog, resultet in an anonymous letter containing four sheets of pure verbal abuse. All of it written in perfect English.

I have some beautiful extracts:

"Your contribution in Jyllands Posten was undoubtedly the stupidest thing I've heard in years" Always nice to be noticed. ;-)

"God help little Denmark if people like you are going to be an influence!!" Too late! ;-)

"And please stop insulting JP with you opinion." Well, they actually ask me to write contributions, so I think they're ok with it. :-)

"I think a 6 year old could reason better than you." Luckaly that is a matter of opinion.

I have often received feedback on my contributions in JP, but never anonymous or that insulting. Then again, this person didn't dare to reveal his or her identity, which makes it very difficult for me to take this letter seriously.

Well, I guess I'll continue living and expressing myself as usual, and no one's going to stop me. ;-)

1 kommentar:

  1. Auch - men du har jo ret i at man ikke kan åbne munden uden at folk skal forsøge at sparke en ned på den bekostning. Han bliver godt nok også vældig personlig, det er jo unødigt og viser en dårlig debatskik. Er personligt ikke sådanne indlæg at jeg tager seriøst.

    Men anyways; der er jo nogle af os der er uenig med ham - du er en god skriver i mine øjne.
    Glæder mig til at høre mere fra dig.

    Pizzaen venter :)

    Knus Maja
