mandag den 6. april 2009


Receiving an NMR-spectrum can be the most exciting event in the course of a lab-day. Especially if you have waited the entire weekend for a result. The more deviastating it is that on your arrival to the lab monday morning, you find that your test-tube has been marked as run, but no spectrum is to be found.
What does the frustrated chemist do? He (or she in this particular case) replaces evaporated CDCl3 in the test-tube and puts the tube to another run. The rest of the day is spent in eager anticipation of the spectrum.
So now imagine, that by the end of that day, which has been spent mainly with waiting, you receive your long awaited spectrum and conclude....there's nothing in it. Except TBAF, but that was not exactly what you were looking for...
I think I'm going to go home now, or I will smash some glassware to get rid of my frustrations.

1 kommentar:

  1. Jeg anbefaler trusler med skruetrækkere og svensknøgler, i håbet om det måtte virke.

    (Gør det så bare ikke altid)
