lørdag den 11. april 2009

Vacation....that's what they call it

Chemist's definition of Easter: a beautifull excuse not to show up on the lab, mainly becuse nobody else will be there.
Truly I have not been in the lab for three days in a row, allthough I was considering to work up a little reaction on thursday. Luckaly I made it on Wednesday and could spend thursdah cleaning my appartment. How great is that?? ;-D
Also I have spent a lot of time in the sun, feeling like summer. Sadly the feeling was no more than a feeling, and I might have fallen a bit ill. Nevertheless it was totally worth it!! :-)
This is consistent with the behaviour of most danes when the sun hits around spring: we become sunloving, out-door vikings!! Nothing will stop us from throwing on shorts and dresses and sit outside in the sun sipping coffee and licking ice cream. It may be cold, it may be windy, it may even be raining, but we're not going to miss the first rays of sun because of that!
So if you see a dane strolling around in their best summer outfit, smile at him or her and I will guarantee, you'll get a smile back. ;-)

1 kommentar:

  1. That's the way it goes in some countries where the sun is rare, espacially after a cold winter and is therefore considered sacred. The same is true here in Germany the temperature reaches the twenties and it's on! Everybody is out in the sun jogging, riding the bike or just sitting on a bench licking on a delicious chocolate icecream with his/her girlsfriend/boyfriend in the arm.
    And no cloud should dare to come into sight...!
    Did i say everybody? Sorry... Just some poor chemists are standing in the climatised lab and are not even allowed to open the window just a millimeter because the discharged air is carefully dealt with through the flues.
